FFmpeg By Example is a documentation website to showcase all the unique and different ways to use FFmpeg. Got a cool idea to share with the community? Send your contribution here! Print a text file to STDOUT using ffmpeg No Preview. If you feel like this example could be improved, you may edit this example here. ffmpeg -v quiet -f data -i input.txt -map 0:0 -c text -f data - Copy to clipboard Try it online All Examples ▲ Extract Multiple Video Clips With One Input tags: #cut #multiple-outputs ▲ List All Supported Audio/Video Encoders With FFmpeg tags: #metadata #no-video ▲ Analyze Video Frames, Timecode and Metadata With Showinfo Filter tags: #showinfo #metadata #frames ▲ "Drawtext" and "Drawbox" Using "Sendcmd" Manifest tags: #sendcmd #drawtext #overlay ▲ Extract Raw Keyframe and Non Keyframes Out of a Video tags: #video-extract ▲ Print a Data Channel to STDOUT Using Ffmpeg tags: #no-video #metadata ▲ Cut Audio Files by Sample by Atrim tags: #mp3 ▲ Extract X Frames From Specific Times to JPG Files tags: #extract-thumbnails #video-extract ▲ Loop Images at Specific Frame Rate to Generate a Video tags: #gif #meme ▲ Erratic Camera Movement Effect Using Crop Filter tags: #testsrc #camera #crop 1 2 3 >